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Tafco Networking

Innterconecta 2016: Microwaste Project Achievement

Monday, 01 April 2019 10:23

Tafco has developed during the years 2016 to 2018, in its Sevillian delegation, the MICROWASTE project with a budget of € 386,696 within the FEDER - Innterconecta program and the help of CDTI.


The project called MICROWASTE ("Experimental development of production of high added value bioproducts and second generation biofuels using thermochemical microwave technology applied to sludge") is based on experimental development focused on the production of bioproducts of high added value, from the urban solid waste (USW) destined for dump, recovering the material and energy of these, by thermochemical microwave technology.

As a synthesis of the results obtained, it can be highlighted that the resultant project has allowed the experimental development of pyrolysis technology assisted by microwaves for the treatment of the Urban Solid Waste and Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plants to obtain second-generation bioproducts and biofuels generation.

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